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Polyester Web Sling - Edge Protected - Endless Loop - 2 Ply - Width 2 in - Length 8 ft
Model: EY03220

Polyester Web Sling - Edge Protected - Endless Loop - 2 Ply - Width 2 in - Length 8 ft

Usually Ships Within: 5 - 7 Days

Quick Info

  • Lower stretch, acid resistance, and retains less moisture
  • Can be used in all three types of hitch arrangements
  • Edge protected with tough polymar yarn
  • Satisfies ASME B30.9
Product Description & Specifications

Product Description

Item: Polyester Web Sling. Edge Protected. Endless Loop - (2) Two Ply. Width: 2 inches. Length: 8 feet

Country of Origin: USA

Value Added Feature: A build-in edge protector whereby a tough polymer yarn (blue color coded strand) is sewn into and around the outer edge of the sling.

Application: For rigging, general purpose overhead lifting, crane hoisting, and material handling. A versatile sling adaptable for use in a vertical hitch, choker hitch, and basket hitch

Description: Polyester offers lower stretch, acid resistance, and retains less moisture than nylon webbing. This Class 9 web sling is made from Polyester, a synthetic material, with a Type 5 endless loop design formed by joining the ends of the fabric together via a splice. This endless loop sling has no end fittings. Its continuous configuration offers no fixed wear points. An endless loop Polyester sling is also called a 'Continuous Loop' or 'Grommet Polyester Web Sling'. It has been given the industry designation 'EN'.

The endless loop Polyester web sling is lightweight, flexible, relatively soft, and suitable in applications were minimal damage to the load's surface finish is important. Exposures to certain chemicals and high temperature are important considerations when choosing a sling. Polyester webbing is resistant to most regularly encountered chemicals with the exception acids, strong alkalis, and ethers. Elevated temperatures (above 200 degrees F) significantly reduce the rated load capacity of the Polyester webbing sling. While not as much of a problem, prolonged exposure to sunlight results in UV degradation of the sling.

Working load limits vary depending on the angle of use. The capacity is reduced as the angle of use declines. The capacity of the web sling is always highest at a 90° (degree) angle (vertical hitch) of use and smallest at an angle of 30° (degrees) or less. Please refer to the education section for more information. (see 'Educational' tab below)

Quality: Sewn in the USA with the name of the manufacturer sewn-in for traceability and quality assurance. Bears a tag displaying the rated capacity. Meets or exceeds overhead lifting safety standards under ASME B30.9

The Difference: Low quality products can cause injury and damage. Look-a-like Polyester slings, often found at lower prices, are also often advertised to conform to the same safety standards, if at all. Be aware that it may refer to safety ratings in effect decades ago. So for example, under the same safety standard a decade ago, a Polyester sling may be rated to 100% without proof load testing while today it may be 300% with proof load testing. Be assured that we only sell the highest quality Polyester web slings, and our advertised safety standards conform to the current ASME standards.

Industry Names: A Polyester sling for lifting is also called a 'web sling' or 'webbing sling'. A Polyester strap refers usually to a tie-down.

Includes: (1) one Polyester web sling


  • Basket Hitch Capacity (lbs) 25600
  • Choker Hitch Capacity (lbs) 10200
  • Industry Designation EN2-802BEx8ft
  • Number of Plys Two Ply
  • Pull to Pull Length (ft) 8
  • Sling Width (in) 2
  • Usually Ships Within 5 - 7 Days
  • Vertical Hitch Capacity (lbs) 12800
  • Weight (lbs) 1

Product Education

Polyester Webbing Slings

  • Never Exceed Working Load Limits.

Learn: The Quality Difference

A low quality web sling can cause injury and damage. A look-alike polyester sling often found at lower prices is also often advertised to conform to the same safety standards (if at all). Be aware that it may refer to safety ratings in effect decades ago. So for example under the same safety standard a decade ago, a poly web sling may be rated to 100% without proof load testing while today it may be 300% with proof load testing. Be assured that we only sell the highest quality polyester slings and our advertised safety standards conform to the current ASME standards.

Learn: Types of Hitches of Polyester Slings

Learn: How webbing polyester sling capacities change with varying angle of use:

Working load limits (capacity) of poly web slings vary depending on the angle of use. The capacity is reduced as the angle of use declines. See drawing below how a 1,000 lbs capacity is reduced as the angle of use declines. The polyester web sling's capacity is always highest at a 90 degree angle of use and smallest at an angle of 30 degrees (or less).


Learn: About polyester web slings, classes, uses and limitations

In the field, a polyester web sling is often commonly referred to as a "choker". The polyester has the advantage of being lightweight. It is very flexible and relatively soft; therefore, it is suitable in applications were minimal damage to the load's surface finish is important. When the flat style webbing sling is employed it can be wrapped around a load, evenly distributing the lifting force over a relatively wide area, thereby reducing the contact pressure. Flat and round varieties are available and they are manufactured in numerous widths and lengths and are available in 1 and 2 ply thickness to accommodate a range of loads. Class 9 (heavy duty service) poly webbing is most commonly used in fabrication. Other classes (6 through 9) are also sometimes used in fabrication.

Without adequate protection, polyester slings are susceptible to abrasion or being severed when impinged on even a moderately sharp edge. Wear pads and sleeves (added thickness material) are available to provide abrasion protection at vulnerable points along the polyester sling.

Exposures to certain chemicals and high temperature are important considerations when choosing a nylon sling. Polyester webbing is resistant to most regularly encountered chemicals with the exception acids, strong alkalis and ethers. Elevated temperatures (above 200 degrees F) significantly reduce the rated load capacity of the web sling. While not as much of a problem, prolonged exposure to sunlight results in UV degradation of the polyester webbing sling.

Polyester web slings can be fabricated to be endless (also known as a grommet sling) or with an eye at each end.

Learn: The difference between Polyester and Nylon Web Slings, Polyester Round Slings, Wire Rope Slings and Chain Slings

Sling material is of four basic types: chain, wire rope, polyester and nylon, each of which has its advantages and limitations.

Chain Slings

The chain sling has the advantage of being durable, very flexible and its length can be made adjustable. It will tolerate a wide range of temperatures; however, compared to other types, it is relatively expensive and, depending upon the grade of chain used, relatively heavy.

Wire Rope Slings

The wire rope sling is not quite as durable. It is not as flexible as chain but its greater stiffness can be an advantage if it has to be inserted through a small opening or beneath a load. However, when wrapped around a load, it often tends to deform permanently to the shape of the load. Wire rope suitable for slings comes in a variety of grades and constructions. In most cases looping back and securing the loop with a metal sleeve terminates the rope. This forms a loop or soft eye, the simplest form of sling end. Thimbles are used to support and protect the eye from abrasion. Wire rope is generally cheaper and lighter than chain which can be a plus, particularly for applications that require long lengths.

Nylon and Polyester Web Slings

The web sling has the advantage of lightweight in comparison to chain and wire rope. Web slings come in nylon or polyester. These slings are very flexible and relatively soft; therefore, they are suitable in applications were minimal damage to the load's surface finish is important. The webbing sling is made endless or terminated with an eye by means of a handmade splice. Similar to a wire rope sling, various terminal fittings are available. Without adequate protection, a web sling is susceptible to being severed when impinging on even a relatively moderate sharp edge.

Nylon versus Polyester web slings: Both materials have a fabric-type softness which prevents scratching. Both are highly flexible. Nylon and polyester slings are susceptible to cuts and rubbing from normal wear causes abrasion over time. The materials have also significant differences. Nylon web slings can stretch up to 10 percent under load while the polyester sling will only elongate by 3 percent. The nylon material will absorb and rentent water while the polyester sling will rent much less water. Nylon slings tent to be more common and are therefore found in a larger selection. Nylon web slings are resistant to most chemicals but not resistant to acids and bleaches. Polyester web slings are resistant to most chemicals but not resistant to acids, aldehydes, ethers, strong alkalis at high temperatures.

Polyester Round Slings

A polyester round sling is made up of polyester fiber strands, protected inside a polyester sleeve. The rope strands are the load-bearing components while the sleeve simply shields the strands from cuts and abrasion. This polyester round sling is superior in its ability to conform to the shape of the load.The endless sling forms a loop and the normal rotation from one lifting application to the next constantly changes the bearing point. This results in extended life. Flexible and lightweight, it is very economical and is the most versatile polyester sling; it can be used in all three types of hitch arrangements. The polyester sling provides easier release from a choker hitch compared to other lifting slings and has a low 3% elongation at the rated capacity. Very flexible, this polyester sling conforms easily to the shape of the load without scratching and scraping. A polyester sling can be seriously degraded at temperatures exceeding of 194 degrees Fahrenheit. This type of round sling is resistant against a range of chemicals but not resistant against Acids and strong Alkalis.

Learn: The differences between various Web Slings

Web slings can be plain or fabricated with various metal end attachment fittings to allow vertical, choker, or basket hitch lift arrangements. The industry has standardized on Type numbers to designate the various combinations of metal and fabric end fittings available for web slings. A description of each follows:

Type 1 Web Sling: A webbing sling with Type 1 fittings consists of a small metal triangle eye fitting on one end and a larger slotted triangle metal choker style fitting on the other end. This arrangement is commonly referred to as a triangle & choker or "TC" nylon sling. This arrangement provides the most effective choker hitch. It can also be used in vertical and basket hitch lift arrangements.

Type 2 Web Sling: A webbing sling with Type 2 fittings is similar to the Type 1 except both ends are equipped with the smaller triangle style metal end fitting. For a given size and length, it is more economical than the Type 1. This rope is not recommended for choker hitches but is suitable for both vertical and basket hitch lift arrangements. This web sling is often referred to as triangle & triangle or "TT" sling.

Type 3 Web Sling: Flat loop eyes formed of fabric and oriented in the same plane as the sling body comprise the Type 3 sling. It is often referred to as a flat eye & eye (FEE) or double eye web sling. This web sling type is extremely versatile being used in all types of hitches. The flat cross section makes it easily removed from beneath the load once it has been placed.

Type 4 Web Sling: The Type 4 webbing sling is identical to the Type 3 excepted the flat fabric loop eyes are rotated 90° to the plane of the main fabric sling body. Sometimes referred to as twisted eye & eye web sling it carries the "TEE" designation. The rotated plane of the eyes promotes an improved choker hitch. When using the basket hitch arrangement, the two rotated eyes join compactly.

Type 5 Web Sling: This webbing sling has no end fittings. It is a simply constructed sling consisting of an endless loop of nylon or polyester webbing overlapped and sewn together. This web sling is economical and adaptable with uses in all hitch arrangements. Its continuous configuration offers no fixed wear points. This web sling is often referred to as a grommet and it has been given the designation "EN".

Type 6 Web Sling: This is the type of eye to sling body configuration that is desired where continuously and extremely strong and durable applications are required. The eyes are reversed and are formed using multiple widths of webbing attached edge to edge. The entire web sling, both body and eyes, have wear pads attached on top and bottom surfaces. In addition to abrasive protection, the extra webbing provides additional reinforcement resulting in exception strength. This web sling is also called a reversed eye or return eye nylons with the designation "RE".

Learn: Industry name

polyester sling is also called a web sling or webbing sling.